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Now then, cant beat a bit of British weather. I’m not designed for that Australian stuff. The flat cap will be out soon.
Pre-65 classic trials, now we’re talking. You can have your TTs, Megavalanch, cheese rolling or whatever, this is where it’s at. Good old George lent me his Triumph Tiger Cub to do the Poachers Classic Trial on. Now I’ve never done owt on a trial bike before so I had to do with my push bike helmet, work boots and overalls. That’s proper keeping it real, isnt it?
It was the most laidback meeting ever. Proper well organised and nowt too serious. And it’s taught me that your never too old. I got showed a thing or two by blokes thee times my age. I’ve got a lot to learn.
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Now then, cant beat a bit of British weather. I’m not designed for that Australian stuff. The flat cap will be out soon.
Pre-65 classic trials, now we’re talking. You can have your TTs, Megavalanch, cheese rolling or whatever, this is where it’s at. Good old George lent me his Triumph Tiger Cub to do the Poachers Classic Trial on. Now I’ve never done owt on a trial bike before so I had to do with my push bike helmet, work boots and overalls. That’s proper keeping it real, isnt it?
It was the most laidback meeting ever. Proper well organised and nowt too serious. And it’s taught me that your never too old. I got showed a thing or two by blokes thee times my age. I’ve got a lot to learn.