Morning folk, as always i’ve been a bit slack on the blog front but i suppose i’ve got a bit of an excuse this time, running out of electric in Kirmington is a common thing but not for this long, sorry.
Right, I never mentioned but I had a bit of an off while in the Isle of Man doing the TT races last week, nowt too serious, I’m nearly mended now. This bit of an accident has caused a massive load of get well cards, I mean massive, and i couldn’t be more grateful. I reckon I’ve had a 1000 odd emails all wishing me well, as well as 150 odd cards. As well as the mega emails and cards I’ve had allsorts of gifts, stuff like, books, lego, itunes vouchers, enough chocolate and fruit to feed the five thousand, meccano kit, tea bags, money, bike models, teapots, the list goes on, but thanks a million for all the effort that you all put in, it really is appreciated.
Having not been at work for a week has put a fair bit of strain on my mum , mr +mrs lancaster as well as the farmers daughter, but none of them have told me to piss off yet, so ta very much, oh and a big thanks as well to all the staff at nobles at hospital in the isle of man as well as all the marshalls at the place where I crashed for putting up with me. It’ll be right next week, I’m off back to work, I’m not sure how you can find the will to live watching day time telly, so whether it kills me or not im off back to work.
Oh i, southern 100 is in a few weeks, thats the goal.
Morning folk, as always i’ve been a bit slack on the blog front but i suppose i’ve got a bit of an excuse this time, running out of electric in Kirmington is a common thing but not for this long, sorry.
Right, I never mentioned but I had a bit of an off while in the Isle of Man doing the TT races last week, nowt too serious, I’m nearly mended now. This bit of an accident has caused a massive load of get well cards, I mean massive, and i couldn’t be more grateful. I reckon I’ve had a 1000 odd emails all wishing me well, as well as 150 odd cards. As well as the mega emails and cards I’ve had allsorts of gifts, stuff like, books, lego, itunes vouchers, enough chocolate and fruit to feed the five thousand, meccano kit, tea bags, money, bike models, teapots, the list goes on, but thanks a million for all the effort that you all put in, it really is appreciated.
Having not been at work for a week has put a fair bit of strain on my mum , mr +mrs lancaster as well as the farmers daughter, but none of them have told me to piss off yet, so ta very much, oh and a big thanks as well to all the staff at nobles at hospital in the isle of man as well as all the marshalls at the place where I crashed for putting up with me. It’ll be right next week, I’m off back to work, I’m not sure how you can find the will to live watching day time telly, so whether it kills me or not im off back to work.
Oh i, southern 100 is in a few weeks, thats the goal.